About Us

Gamma Tech Services is a full-service technology company driven by the desire to serve others, provide excellent service, and build a local technology community right here in Naples, Florida.

Our History

  • Bradd in his first Gamma Tech Services T-shirt in 2004


    Company Founded

    Bradd started Gamma Tech Services at 16 years old as an IT/computer repair company.

  • Bradd holding his baby at the first Gamma Tech office


    First Office

    Moved into our first office with 3 employees.

  • Old Gamma Tech logo showcasing the addition of the Audio Video department


    Opened Audio Video Department

    Expanded our doors to offer Audio Video in addition to IT.

  • Gamma Tech van wrapped in Gamma branding


    Wrapped First Truck

    Wrapped our first work truck in the iconic Gamma Tech brand.

  • GTVoice logo


    Launched GTVoice

    Launched a cloud based Voice over IP solution for small businesses.

  • Home with Gamma Tech security sign


    Became Licensed Security Company

    Expanded once again to offer security services for our clients.

  • Old Gamma Tech office on Trade Center Way


    New Office

    Outgrew our office and moved onto Trade Center Way.

  • Isofy platform logo


    Launched Isofy

    Built a custom software designed to solve networking challenges for co-working spaces.

  • Gamma Tech Services office building with parked vans


    Moved into New Facility

    Outgrew our office and once again moved into a larger space to expand.

  • Gamma Tech I.T. and Cybersecurity technician working on a computer


    Revamped Cybersecurity Offerings

    Implemented a Cybersecurity infrastructure to combat the increasing threat of cyberattacks.

Why choose us?

Because at our core, we care about people. We focus on meeting the needs of everyone — our clients, business partners, and staff. By cultivating a culture that puts people first, we have reaped a harvest of satisfied clients, a passionate team, and an excellent reputation in SWFL.

Gamma Tech Services core values printed on the wall
Gamma Tech Services team with thumbs up after removing a large residential TV

Family at our core

We’re both a family-owned and family-oriented business. That means we’re committed to building long-term relationships based on honesty, service, and care.

We're passionate about what we do

We enjoy our work, which means we always aim for the highest quality of service and are ready to take on challenges.

Gamma Tech Services van driving on the road with clouds and trees in the background

This is what we're about

Words taken straight from client reviews

Family Integrity Professional Prompt Patient Blessing Compassionate Caring Exemplary Polite Personable Experts Helpful Friendly Exceptional Pleasant Reliable Trustworthy

Our Values

We use our values to guide all our decisions, both inside and outside the office. This is how we treat all people.

God Anticipates My Many Actions


My Mission

A message from Bradd Konert Jr.

President of Gamma Tech Services

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10

It has been my pleasure to use my God-given talents, gifts, and opportunities to serve others and empower my team to do the same. This is my goal for Gamma Tech – to bring the right people in, equip them, and empower them to use their unique gifts to serve others.


After many years in business, I can say that technology makes life easier and helps us do things that are otherwise difficult or impossible. These things have their place in life, but they’re only temporary and they fail to solve our real needs and fix the problems that affect us all.


My ultimate mission is to serve God as a faithful representative to the world by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and the coming of God’s kingdom. This is my passion, my joy, my hope, my life, my salvation. I have hope beyond this world, and I want you to share in that hope.

Bradd's signature

Bradd Konert Jr.

I invite you to consider
God’s promises to those who believe.

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” ~ Romans 10:17


“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” ~ Romans 5:8


“Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Acts 2:38


“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” ~ John 6:37


“He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” John 3:36


“[…] By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify the many, As He will bear their iniquities.” ~ Isaiah 53:11

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